Contact Us

Tell our technical experts about your coating need.

Contact Us

World Headquarters:
1011 McKinley Street
Eugene, Oregon USA
Seattle Service Center:
1741 South Central Ave
Kent, Washington USA
Portland Service Center:
3335 NW St. Helens Rd.
Portland, Oregon USA
Spokane Service Center:
3808 North Sullivan Road Bldg N-17
Spokane Valley, Washington USA

We’d love to hear from you.

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Worldwide Distribution

We encourage all OEM manufacturers in the United States and Canada to contact us at our main headquarters to discuss your company’s coating requirements and find an appropriate geographical sales representative.


International Agents

Manufacturers outside of the United States and Canada may contact one of our international sales representatives or an in-country direct sales agent in their geographic region.

Stove Bright® Distributors

Forrest works with Stove Bright® consumer products distributors thought the US and Canada. Contact our World Headquarters to let us connect you to your nearest distributor. For international distribution, contact one of our international distributors.

  • Australia & New
  • Stove Bright® Australia
    Ron Puiatti
25\10 Victoria Ave
Castle Hill NSW  2154
  • Contact Us for Help Locating a Distributor in the US or Canada.

  • World Headquarters:
  • 800-537-7201
  • Or use our Contact Us form

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